The Pillars of the Catholic Creatives Community

Our Why: 

Setting creatives free so that they can unleash a new renaissance.

Our How:

Creating is a vulnerable and risky act. We produce content and gathering places that affirm Catholics in their calling to create.

Our Pillars:

Humans are Amazing

The Divine Artist has crafted a masterwork across time and space — and the Human Person is his magnum opus. The same wild, creative energy that hovered over the water, that formed galaxies and genomes and giraffes, also pulses through us. Our Creator called us “very good,” and so we are: we are all as interesting and worthy of curiosity as the cosmos, the ocean, and string theory. Every one of us is a unique expression of our Father, and when we become fully alive, we share a piece of God’s heart with the world that belongs to us alone.

Bodies are Beautiful

We believe that the embodied world is shot through with the Incarnate Christ. Because of the Incarnation, we can find God in the raw, the real, and the tangible. So we don’t run away from the physical world, rather, we seek God in its messiness. Through Christ, every physical experience of beauty is sacramental- the smell of paint, the taste of a crisp apple, the electricity of human love are all windows into the mystery of God. We love the embodied world and accept the call to partner with God as co-creators.

Own Your Dreams

Our deepest hopes are God’s invitation to partner with Him in healing the world. God reveals His heart to us through our own heart’s yearnings and desires. Pursuing our dreams in a fallen world will always be risky, and we all know the pain and fear of failure. However, if we lose our hope, we will inevitably get stuck in imitation, cynicism, or fear. So we refuse to bury our talents in the ground, and we continue to let our dreams lead us forward.

Thrive As One

We don’t pursue our dreams in a vacuum. If God is our Father, then we are a family, and this family is intimately interconnected. To be able to thrive, we must thrive as one. We believe that every success we have as individuals is an outgrowth of our intimacy and friendship. Rather than falling into political tribalism, we seek to know each other as individuals and friends. Our God is a God of abundance, so instead of being guarded, we trust that our generous investments in each other will return to us.

Word Made Vulnerable

We aspire to communicate with each other the way that God communicates: creatively. Just as Jesus was the Word made flesh, just as Christ communicated using His body, we too use story, art, poetry, song, and the daily work of our businesses to share what is intangible with each other and the world. Instead of hiding behind abstraction, we enflesh our ideas and desires by being personal, concrete, and vulnerable. We seek to incarnate the Gospel, and become tangible, taste-able umami for the world

Embrace the Mess

When we take risks to follow our desires, things get messy. But in this family, we embrace disagreement as a part of the process. We commit to coming together regardless of our differences. We seek to abolish the labels we hide behind, the walls we build, and the boxes we put each other in, meeting each other with curiosity and wonder. Bring your mantilla or your black skinny jeans — and let’s worship together. This messiness, like the cacophony of a family, is the creme de la creme, the zest of life. So let’s celebrate this gift of life together, knowing that, at the very least, our parties will never be boring.