"God's ready. We need to be ready too. What if people committed to unity and prayer? We would have a New Renaissance." - Matt Meeks, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Check out Matt Meeks and the ADLA here: www.la-archdiocese.org

"There's a robot that can win at Jeopardy. But there's no robot who can create Jeopardy." - Cory Heimann, Creative Director at Likable Art
Check out Cory Heimann and Likable Art here: https://www.likableart.com/

"If we believe that our work is the work of God, then of course He is going to provide." - Erica Tighe, Owner and Designer of Be A Heart
Check out J.M. Boyd and Glass Canvas here: https://glasscanvas.io
Check out Rob Kaczmark and Spirit Juice Studios here: http://www.spiritjuicestudios.com/
Check out Erica Tighe and Be A Heart here: https://beaheart.com/
Check out Matt Meeks and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles here: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/

"If we shoot for less than great, no one wins." - J.M. Boyd, Partner and Creative Director of Glass Canvas
Check out J.M and Glass Canvas here: https://glasscanvas.io/

"I believe people should know what they believe." - Wesley Bancroft, WMB & Co.
Check out Wesley Bancroft and WMB & Co. here: https://wesleybancroft.com/about

A Catholic Creatives Meet-Up is a local evening event that brings Catholic millennial creatives together to build community and innovate solutions to problems facing the Church. One part party, two part revolution.
Come to the next event by visiting https://catholiccreatives.com/ccevents