Creation of the Week #28 Nic Gutierez' Sunday Psalm

Sometimes creations are physical things you can see, but sometimes creations are communities. This is something we know very intimately as part of this community. Communities take cultivating, steering, guiding with an eye to culture, ensuring that value is always being added and doubled upon. Nic Gutierez has been steering the Sunday Psalm community for three years now, and as a liturgical musician, I couldn't be more grateful for it.  

For those of you who are not musicians, you've probably never heard of Sunday Psalm. If you lead music for mass, Sunday Psalm has probably already become dispensable to you, but what is it?

 Sunday Psalm is an experiment in crowdsourcing.

What would it look like if a bunch of liturgical musicians picked a Sunday a year and wrote a free psalm to share with the rest of the community?  

Collaboration is a solution to so many of the problems in our Church today. There are many creators, but not enough platforms to empower them. It takes someone with a real heart for the Lord to shine the limelight on others.

If the psalm wasn't enough, now Sunday Psalm is helping musicians get booked for worship events in their area, leveraging the psalm platform as a way to give musicians exposure. It's awesome, and I hope that one day soon it get's monetized so that Nic can take a larger role in ministering to musicians.

In Sunday Psalm Nic Gutierrez embodies so many of the core values of Catholic Creatives: Collaboration, love for beauty, & creative problem-solving. Good work Nic. We're excited to see where this project goes.