Kevin Heider - Make an Honest Stand
When I was twelve years old, I got my first guitar and my love for music grew immensely. It was a red Washburn SonaMaster Standard Electric, my life was forever changed, and I would spend the rest of my teen years dissecting all the classic songs one should know on a six-string. I was so amazed at how the instrument would give me a new way of communicating. Playing that guitar and developing a deep connection to music would prove to be a saving grace in my life and a spark for an even deeper spiritual life.
It was in my college years that I transitioned into the acoustic/folk world of music and I fell in love with the guitar once again. The only difference here was that instead of having a fascination with power chords and solos I was moved by how an artist could tell stories with the instrument.
Stories of hope.
Stories of loss.
Stories of faith rediscovered and life reimagined.
I began to see that playing the instrument is one thing but crafting a narrative that can develop a dialogue with the listener requires a whole different level of ability.
When I came across Kevin Heider’s newest EP “Make an Honest Stand” I was truly moved and inspired by his ability to develop said dialogue with the listener through the artform.
My wife walked into the room and heard the music, she was impressed as well. I said to her, “every time I pick up the guitar, this is what I wish I could do with it.”
It is clear from the first track, “Think About Somebody Else”, that Kevin is influenced by the works of Dylan, Springsteen (“Nebraska Bruce”) and perhaps a taste of Petty. But what is so exciting about Kevin’s work is that it does not cross the line and spill over into mimicry. His work happily exists in the genre and shows that he is a studied artist who is aware of influences but not solely guided by them.
Kevin clearly has his own style, and it stands firm on its own. I really enjoyed how it feels familiar but also so unique and strong in its own manner. That’s a hard line to walk and, in most circumstances, you end with a confused cover band… but not here. Here we end with a full vision that is clearly speaking to our times.
When 2020 hit and the state of our current world became clear Kevin was moved to put away one project which had been currently developing and write about the current state of affairs.
The song that probably stands out the most is track four, “Don’t Let the Flag Touch the Ground”. It is a powerful testament to the juxtaposition of American pride and social injustices.
In the midst of quarantining and observing the shifts in the discourse, I wrote two new songs (Don't Let the Flag Touch the Ground and Think About Somebody Else) back in June. I also went on my bi-annual Bob Dylan kick around that time. There's something about his earliest records that has always amazed me. They're so stripped, so minimalist, and speak so directly to the time and place in which he recorded them.
Kevin Heider
Kevin’s “bi-annual Bob Dylan kick” is something that is very familiar to artists of this kind. I find it moving that artists constantly find themselves going back down the “Dylan rabbit hole” and feel compelled to strip down the gear to the essentials. It takes a confident artist with a voice to follow that call and once again we are reminded that inspiration can come in the most humble of ways, despite what modern music fads try to say.
While “Don’t Let the Flag Touch the Ground” is powerful and it displays Kevin’s gift of songwriting, I keep going back to “Slow Down” (track three). “Slow Down” equips the listener with a powerful rhythm and a message that needs to be heard now more than ever.
“Slow down, don’t give in to your hatred or you will never be free.”
“Slow Down” by Kevin Heider
The awareness of this EP is profound in that it not only speaks to the various social emotional issues of our times, but it also ministers to the listener in a honest manner. Now when I say “minister” I do not mean in the traditional gospel/worship style we often think of, especially in the music world. In this instance, Kevin is using his guitar and songwriting in a way that works to guide the listener to a unique place of self-examination.
“These songs dive into American history with the sort of "penitential memory" that Pope Francis encourages in Fratelli Tutti, as well as the state of the discourse and the seemingly never-ending struggle for liberty and justice for all. The whole EP plays as an examination of our collective conscience.”
Kevin Heider
Overall, I was and am quite moved by the work that Kevin has created. It’s honest and raw in all the ways we need art to be. Music of this nature has a way of planting a sense of urgency within the listener. An urgency that inspires me to have more responsibility on how I represent my faith and my country. I look to these songs and I am touched with a feeling hope and a responsibility to be more and to truly make an honest stand.
May we all find time to “Slow Down”, “Think About Somebody Else”, and dare to “Make an Honest Stand”.
Be sure to check out more of Kevin’s work and his “house show” style at It is worth the dive into his catalog and I am sure you will be surprised by the gems you find, especially “Ohio” (a tribute to Springsteen). Follow Kevin on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube.
Cristian Murphy
Campus Minister/Filmmaker CC Admin