Why Beauty?: Fr. Don Fischer

Fr. Don Fischer spent over a decade consulting on all new church building projects in Dallas, and his singular mission during that time was to convince the leadership of these projects to invest in good design and art. We spoke about why beauty is so important to us as human beings, and why the church should make the investment to hire true artists to cultivate that beauty. He studied art and architecture before he entered seminary, and his work with the Landrys on the Chapel of the Incarnation won the AIA 25 year award, a prestigious architecture award in Dallas. To read about that project, go here: https://www.aiadallas.org/v/blog-detail/In-Search-of-the-Numinous/lj/

To see more about what Fr. Don is doing now, or to listen to his podcast, you can find him here: http://www.pastoralreflectionsinstitute.com/