Helpful Resources for Stock Photos, Graphics, & Inspiration — Catholic Creatives

Helpful Resources for Stock Photos, Graphics, & Inspiration

We get asked a lot about stock photography, free graphics, and other items. Someday we dream of creative a stock photography site specifically for Catholic stock photos and graphics, but until then here are some resources that many of us in the group use a lot. So, whether you're a professional graphic designer or a volunteer learning on the fly, we all can use a little help & inspiration.

FIRST: Putting it All Together

While being inspired & having great photos is important.  BEFORE you set off on a spirit quest to find all these resources, take time to familiarize yourself with basic communications principles.  There is no better place to do that for church communications than through Brady Shearer at Pro Church Tools.  There's an incredible website, podcast, social media presence and more you need to familiarize yourself with:


One Secret Mission

One Secret Mission is the Unsplash for Catholic stock photography. It's royalty free, artistic Catholic  stock photography. It's amazing. Use it.

Royalty Free artistic photography. They have single handily made the internet more beautiful.


Sign up to receive a free photo of the week
Super high quality real-life images

High quality, categorized photos

eCatholic Churches Stock Photos
Solid generic photos for Catholic Church imagery


Likable Art
Cory is a fantastic Catholic graphic designer.  He can assist you with your project, or you can check out his work to inspire your own.

Church Marketing Sucks Blog
Great place for inspiration and ideas on how churches are upping their communications game.

Church Marketing Lab
Samples of other churches' work.  Utilize the search feature to find inspiration for your designs "Advent" "Youth Ministry", etc.  NOTE: Although this group has no longer been moderated, there is a huge archive of designs for you to draw inspiration from!
Amazing graphic designer who offers some sweet freebies!

Your favorites?

What are a few of your favorite resources to use for inspiration?  Comment below!
