Do you want to build ongoing local community?
CC Circles are communities of creatives that come together over a shared idea, craft, or a particular mission.
CC Circles as an ongoing open source project that has organically emerged from our community. As leaders work to build their own Circles, we are working together to consolidate what we learn into a resource for other local leaders who want to build their own instances of CC communities.
Start a CC Circle
What is a circle?
CC Circles are communities of creatives that come together over a shared idea, craft, or a particular mission.
Why Start a Circle?
We know how hard it is to start and maintain community- but for those who have the call, it is some of the most gratifying and meaningful work that can be done. By being one of the first to start a CC Circle, you'll get access to the other Circle leaders who are blazing trails and facing the same challenges. You'll gain access to our resources and coaching from the CC staff, and you'll be setting a course for many leaders.
How to Start
A Circles leader should start by hosting a CC Event (you can start small by hosting an intimate CC Dinner). Think about the CC Dinners as Catalysts for ongoing IRL communities. Once you have partnered with us to host one of these events we encourage you to reach out to us and request to start your own Circle.
blaze trails
What You’ll Need
Think you have the grit to be a trailblazer? Have you already put on events in your area? If you’d like to be a part of building local Catholic Creatives community here is what you'll need:
Circle Leaders must have been to a CC Event before.
The names of a few other Coleaders who have already come to a CC Event who are going to help you to launch your group.
A statement of purpose - every Circle has its own flavor, its own mission and reason for gathering. If you want to start your own Circle, we recommend doing a few CC Dinners to talk vision for what you want to gather around.